
Lutke od biljaka i ljubavi...

Na ideju da izradimo ove lutke s djecom, došli smo sasvim slučajno. Nekolicina plodova ostala je neiskorištena. Malo smo razmislili i od njih načinili ovakve zanimljive lutke. Jednostavno smo ih smjestili u cvijetnjak i dobili prekrasan prizor. Iako neće trajati dugo, zadovoljni smo. Pokušajte i vi. Ako vam ostane biljaka, bilo da se radi o cvijeću ili ovakvom, većem povrću, iskoristite ih na zabavan način. Može se isprobati tisuću i jedna kombinacija. Samo je potrebna volja. Uživajte!

The idea that we create these dolls with the children, came quite by chance. A few fruits remained unused. Few we thinking of them and made these interesting dolls. We simply placed them in bloom and get a beautiful sight. Although not last long, we are satisfied. Go ahead and try. If you keep the plants, whether it is about flowers and such, growing vegetables, use them in a fun way. Can try a thousand and one combinations. Just need the will. Enjoy!

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